Hi, I’m Shamika

I’m an introvert who’s comfortable around many people. I’m the giver in my inner circle, but I don’t have a problem sharing truth and tough love when they need to hear it.

My self-proclaimed superpower? I know how to ask the right questions to get you excited to make your next move.

I know what good advice feels like. It isn’t always a positive uplifting message. That perspective may sting and may be the very thing you did not want to hear. However, when the message is delivered with courage and love, that advice is transformative. The courage to say the tough thing AND receive the message encourages people to take the next right step and work against self-destructive habits. It takes the power away from the naysayers and puts it back where it belongs. The power lies within you. Friend, “them/they”, “this” or “that” does not define you. Only you can do that.


After that, it’s just one step after the other all the way to their goal. Before they realize it, they’re standing on top of the world, realizing that great guidance got them there. There is no better feeling than reaching that spot.

fast facts

I am a wife & mom (to baby girl and several four legged fur babies)

I am a certified Integrative Health Coach (Duke University)

I’ve served 17 years in the US Air Force

I am a certified Personal & Executive Coach from the CaPP Institute

I enjoy having nice things, but will hardly ever turn down a bargain

My Mission

I serve corporate career women and women entrepreneurs who want to build a legacy they are proud of without the overwhelm and self-doubt.

After I had my daughter, I was basically told that I’d have to fend for myself- in my fitness, my career, and my aspirations. If I asked for anything outside the status quo or questioned it, my requests were met with friction. Over time, that causes you to question everything. Every. Little. Thing. The more I reflected on my experience, the more something told me that didn’t have to be the case.

Throughout my career, I sought out coaches and mentors. I’ve always known that there is no end goal to growth, and if someone with experience could have guided me through, that growth could have come faster and easier.

Well, the mentors I had all seemed to fizzle away. They were there for one moment but then neglected to give me the full amount of information I needed. Again, I had to fend for myself. While my experiences were painful as were the parts I contributed to them, I am grateful and thankful for them. They forced me to face reality and embrace the opportunity happening for me instead of something that happened to me.

I have a feeling that many guru coaches may fall into this category. They’re there for when they need to be… and they show up for the credit, but they may not have the time, ability, or enough to rub two nickels together about the individual in front of them and the unique aspirations they hold.

I don’t want anyone to feel like that. If you’re looking for an invitation to be in a space that’s being held for you-your goals, your aspirations, your uniqueness… then I’m ready for you. I have a cozy space with your name on it.

My approach is fairly simple. We assess your strengths.

Why? The very things that you are good at tap into YOUR innate God-given insights, talents and abilities. Foster those. That is where the magic is.

After assessing your strengths, our journey of discovery continues with one simple question: What is it that YOU want?

Why start here? Throughout your life, you may have been fed the narrative of what you should have or desire. Check off all the boxes, graduate from the right schools, get the corporate job, the next big title/rank, have the family with the 2.5 kids and the dog.

Gut check. Is this what you want?

You want something that will fill your soul and the typical “shoulds” just isn’t going to do that. (If those “shoulds” I mentioned are what you aspire to, I want them for you! There is nothing wrong with that. But if somewhere in your body, your gut is telling you something different, trust that…and I want to challenge you to go after that thing.)

This is the space for your voice to be heard, so we start with your desires. From there, we’ll make an actionable plan and decide what the next right step is. Then the next from there. Before you know it, you’ll realize that none of those naysayer voices ever needed to take residence in your head. I will hold space for you to move forward, but we will do just that: take the action steps forward, not backwards. Everything you’ve been through will serve the next best version of yourself.

You deserve the opportunity to stand where you never thought you would before.

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